Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)

Starring: John Boyega, Oscar Isaacs, Daisy Ridley, Adam Driver, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher

I’m going to preface this review by clarifying one thing – I am not a Star Wars fan. Not really. I came to the original trilogy extremely late, lent to me when I was 20 by my good friend and massive Star Wars nerd-buddy, Lewis. They were fine. I watched them and I enjoyed them, but mainly because I thought the ewoks were cute and I wanted to bang Harrison Ford. I wasn’t swept up by them particularly.
I’d dabbled once before in Star Wars – given that I used to work in a cinema for a long time, I was forced along to a midnight screening of Revenge of the Sith by my then boyfriend (who, coincidentally, told me within the first few minutes that I ate popcorn too loudly and made me move away from him. Side note – twat). Anyway, I sat through the first twenty minutes, then fell solidly asleep. It seemed like every time I woke up, someone’s hand was in the process of getting cut off. I saw Darth wander into some lava or similar, and Samuel L Jackson fell out of a window or something, and that’s about all I remember from that wonderful and life-affirming viewing experience.
Recently, after re-watching the originals, and feeling like I really should give the modern trilogy a go, I attempted to watch The Phantom Menace. I failed. I found it entirely unwatchable. Who on earth thought that film was a good idea? I’ve been reliably informed Attack of the Clones is worse, and as I’ve basically seen all the key points of ROTS, I decided to give all 3 a wide berth.
So, I know this review is pretty belated, and nearly everyone’s already seen this film. So this is more of an airing of my opinions and views, with no real hope of steering anyone towards, or away from, this film.
Firstly then, the main leads. Being English, I’m so happy they cast two English actors, although ashamedly I didn’t actually recognise Boyega from Attack the Block, and spent the entire film convinced he was actually American. He was an absolutely adorable lead. Cute, vulnerable, idiotic, but brave. He was perfect for the role, although I would have liked a little more back story. I presume the next movie will reveal a little more about why he suddenly decided the life of a ruthless killer wasn’t for him, and I’m quite excited about that. It’d better be good, and not some lame-ass “there’s a magical mystery cork in the middle of island!” LOST bullshit. I’m watching you, Abrams.  
And then there’s everyone’s new girl-crush, Daisy Ridley. And mine too. She’s great. She manages to balance femininity and humour with awesome lightsabre skills and a not un-Keira Knightley-like pout, simultaneously.  There’s something inherently likeable about her, which resounds throughout the entire film. And there’s none of this Star Trek hot-girl-stripping-for-no-apparent-reason crap. She is important in her own right – smarter and savvier than most of her male counterparts – although the strong independent woman thing is a bit spoon-fed to the audience at times: “I can run without you holding my hand!”
The ensemble cast is altogether excellent, although Greg Grunberg is so unnecessary it hurts (and probably too chubby to be an X-wing/Oceanic 815 pilot, even if he is your best mate, JJ). And for those of you who’ve seen it, I have a deep-seated dislike for the fish-head alien. I’m not sure why, and I’m not really sure what to do about it. If you can help, please do. I am haunted by his big stupid orange face.
Talking of big orange faces! The new robot, BB8, is the best thing I’ve ever seen. He makes me feel a lot better about big old fish man. Everything about BB8 is perfection – the way he moves, the way he goes down stairs, the noises he makes, the way he does a thumbs up…I almost love that little spherical robot more than I love cats. For those of you who know me, that is a BIG deal.
Then of course, we need to talk about Adam Driver. I have loved that man for years, being a huge fan of his perfectly flawed character (also called Adam) in Lena Dunham’s TV series, Girls. He is fantastic, and when I found out he was cast in this film, it was the first thing that made me excited to see it. Like I said, Star Wars was not a big thing for me before this instalment. I may have already seen this film 3 times and it’s not even been out a month…! His turn as Kylo (Ben) Ren is wonderful – intense, vulnerable and extremely powerful. He also provides one of the biggest laughs of the film with his lamentable lightsabre tantrum.
 Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher both reprise their roles beautifully, giving excellent and heartfelt performances that will even warm the cockles of people unfamiliar with the franchise. And yes, the story is derivative, and a lot like the story of A New Hope, but it works. It really does. You feel like you’re watching something fresh and new – Star Wars has been successfully rebooted for this generation, in immense style.
I really enjoyed the film. It’s nothing particularly new and nothing particularly clever, but it works. It really works. Go see it now. And take your nan. If you want.

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